In COVID-19 crisis, AMA’s powerful voice rings out to save lives

What’s the news: In a global pandemic that has demanded an all-hands-on-deck response, the AMA’s outstanding advocacy efforts have led to billions in emergency funding to help physician practices stay viable, secured broad telehealth expansion and telehealth payment parity, and much more.

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Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMA has been the leading physician and patient ally—voicing recommendations to members for the president’s coronavirus task force, key congressional leaders and agency staff, state policymakers and private sector stakeholders.

In an interview with ReachMD, AMA Senior Vice President of Advocacy Todd Askew detailed the organization’s timely and effective action on personal protective equipment (PPE), diagnostic testing, the financial viability of physician practices during COVID-19, and health care inequities.

Why it’s important: Now more than ever, it is critical for America’s doctors, patients and policymakers to have a singularly powerful, reliable source for evidence-driven ideas to help save lives.

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