Today, the Partnership to Advance Virtual Care (the “Partnership”) submitted comments in response to the CY 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule [CMS-1734-P] proposed rule. As a leading coalition representing stakeholders advancing telehealth priorities, the Partnership’s comments urge the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to extend and make permanent certain flexibilities issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to implement an adequate transition period for all services added to the Medicare telehealth services list at the expiration of the public health emergency.
We have seen through the pandemic examples of how telehealth and virtual care are primed to improve patient care, facilitate access, and to reduce burdens for providers and patients. The Partnership believes that these flexibilities should remain part of the health care landscape well into the future.
The Partnership also calls on Congress to act to remove geographic and originating site restrictions in order for patients and providers to fully leverage innovative technologies that continue to transform care delivery.
As part of a driving priority for the Partnership, we are engaging with Members of Congress to pass legislation to eliminate geographic and originating site restrictions that will open to doors for patients and providers to realize the full potential of technology and the impacts it will have on improving patient care and outcomes.