CMS adds 11 new telehealth services to Medicare coverage

CMS on Oct. 14 added 11 new services to the list of telehealth services that Medicare will reimburse during the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The Trump administration announced March 17 that CMS will temporarily pay clinicians to provide telehealth services for beneficiaries during the pandemic. Since the public health emergency began, CMS has added more than 135 services to the Medicare telehealth services list, including emergency department visits and initial inpatient visits.

Medicare will begin paying eligible practitioners who provide these newly added telehealth services effective immediately and through the duration of the public health emergency.

Here are the 11 additional services and their respective codes: 

1. 93797: Cardiac rehab

2. 93798: Cardiac rehab/monitor

3. 93750: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation

4. 95970: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse without programming

5. 95971: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter with programming

6. 95972: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter

7. 95983: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, by physician or other qualified healthcare professional; with brain neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter programming; first 15 minutes face-to-face with physician or other qualified healthcare professional

8. 95984: Electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, by physician or other qualified healthcare professional; with brain neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter programming; each additional 15 minutes face-to-face with physician or other qualified healthcare professional

9. G0422: Intensive cardiac rehab with exercise

10. G0423: Intensive cardiac rehab, no exercise

11. G0424: Pulmonary rehab with exercise

Click here to view the full list of services payable under Medicare when provided via telehealth.

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