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WASHINGTON, DC, AUGUST 29, 2023 — The American Telemedicine Association (ATA) and ATA Action submitted comments in response to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CY2024 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed policy changes for Medicare payments under the PFS, and other Medicare Part B issues. The ATA and ATA Action commend CMS for extending most of the telehealth flexibilities implemented during the public health emergency (PHE) through calendar year 2024, in alignment with the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act passed into law last December.
“The proposed rule is, overall, positive for the telehealth community and patients, and looks beyond the now-expired COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) to continue the expansion of telehealth services, providing much needed clarity for physicians and other stakeholders across the country,” said Kyle Zebley, senior vice president, public policy, the ATA, and executive director, ATA Action. “Our 11-page letter submitted to CMS includes detailed feedback intended to create a final PFS that allows everyone to have access to safe, affordable and appropriate care when and where they need it, especially our rural communities and underserved patient populations.
“However, while CMS tackled many of the critical telehealth policies implemented during the PHE, there was one important policy left out. During the PHE, CMS did not require providers to list their home address when most care was provided virtually. We urge CMS to permanently allow providers to bill their practice address in order to maintain the confidentiality and security of the provider’s home address, especially for those providing mental health services. It is imperative that this flexibility not be allowed to expire at the end of 2023.”
“The ATA and ATA Action applaud CMS’ commitment to expanding access to care to all Medicare beneficiaries,” added Zebley. “We appreciate the opportunity to provide our detailed feedback on this year’s PFS proposed rule and look forward to continuing to work with CMS.”
Read the ATA and ATA Action Comment Letter to CMS here.
About ATA Action
ATA Action recognizes that telehealth and virtual care have the potential to transform the healthcare delivery system by improving patient outcomes, enhancing the safety and effectiveness of care, addressing health disparities, and reducing costs. ATA Action is a registered 501c6 company and an affiliated trade organization of the ATA.
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About the ATA
As the only organization completely focused on advancing telehealth, the American Telemedicine Association is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to safe, affordable, and appropriate care when and where they need it, enabling the system to do more good for more people. The ATA represents a broad and inclusive member network of leading healthcare delivery systems, academic institutions, technology solution providers and payers, as well as partner organizations and alliances, working to advance industry adoption of telehealth, promote responsible policy, advocate for government and market normalization, and provide education and resources to help integrate virtual care into emerging value-based delivery models.