Billing for rural telehealth

Billing and reimbursement for rural and frontier telehealth services is, in many ways, no different than any other healthcare service. There are also some stark differences.

On this page:

Medicare and Medicaid billing reimbursement

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health focuses on rural health services and providers. They also offer regional rural health coordinators that can assist with region-specific questions and concerns.

For more information on Medicare billing and coding, see the 2022 physician fee schedule.

Uninsured or underinsured patients

While the number of uninsured people in rural areas is falling, there are still more uninsured rural residents than urban residents.

Whether or not a patient can afford to pay for medical care, including appointments, prescriptions, or preventative care measures often depends on their eligibility for state and federal assistance programs.

Providers can help by offering free or low cost services, including:

  • Free vaccination clinics
  • Free or low cost annual wellness visits
  • Free or low cost well child visits
  • Insurance navigators or financial advisors to help patients apply for and maintain Medicaid or Medicare coverage

You could also look at offsetting the cost of uninsured or underinsured patients by looking for grants tailored specifically to rural health care providers and clinics.

Read more:

Center for Connected Health Policy  

Medicare billing guidance

The COVID-19 public health emergency led the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to expand its coverage for telehealth care. Many state Medicaid programs and private insurers are also covering telehealth appointments the same as an in-person appointment, with patients paying their typical co-pays.

Get more information on billing for direct-to-consumer telehealth.

Coding guidance is subject to change. Please refer to the complete list of telehealth services covered by Medicare during the COVID-19 public health emergency from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Maternal telehealth

CategoryTelehealth CPT codes and HCPCS codes
Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215
Observation care discharge99217*
Initial observation care99218, 99219, and 99220 **
Initial hospital care99221, 99222, and 99223 **
Subsequent observational care99224, 99225, 99226
Subsequent hospital care99231, 99232, 99233
Telephone evaluation and monitoring service99441, 99442, 99443
Diabetes managementG0108
Medical nutrition therapy97802, 97803

Annual Wellness Visits

CategoryTelehealth CPT codes and HCPCS codes
Annual wellness visitG0438, G0439
Advanced planning99497, 99498

Chronic care telehealth

Audio-only or video telehealth

CategoryTelehealth CPT codes and HCPCS codes
Telephone evaluation and management service99441, 99442, 99443; G0438, G0439
Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatmentG0396, G0397 G0442, G0443, G0444, G0445, G0446, G0447
Evaluation and monitoring outpatient follow-up99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99211, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215
Observation care discharge99217 *
Initial observation care99218, 99219, 99220 **
Subsequent observational care99224, 99225, 99226
Opioid use disorder treatmentG2086, G2087, G2088
Alcohol and substance abuse assessmentG0396, G0397
Diabetes Care Management: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Diabetes self-management trainingG0108, G0109
Medical nutrition therapy97802, 97803, 97804, G0270
Psychotherapy90785, 90791, 90792, 90832, 90833, 90834, 90836, 90837, 90838
Renal Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Renal Care: Outpatient dialysis services90951, 90952, 90953, 90954, 90955, 90956, 90957 ,90958, 90959, 90960, 90961, 90962
Renal Care: Hospital care services, with the limitation of 1 telehealth visit every 3 days99231, 99232, 99233
Renal Care: Individual and group kidney disease educationG0420, G0421
Renal Care: Transitional care management services99495, 99496
Renal Care: Advance care planning99497, 99498
Renal Care: Prolonged service99354, 99355, 99356, 99357
Renal Care: Telehealth consultations, critical careG0508, G0509
Pulmonary Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Pulmonary Care: Rehabilitation94625, 94626, G0424
Pulmonary Care: Transitional care management services99495, 99496
Pulmonary Care: Advance care planning99497, 99498
Pulmonary Care: Prolonged service99354, 99355, 99356, 99357
Pulmonary Care: Ventilator management94002, 94003, 94004, 94005
Pulmonary Care: Evaluate patient use of inhaler94664
Cardiac Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Cardiac Care: Transitional care management services99495, 99496
Cardiac Care: Advance care planning99497, 99498
Cardiac Care: Prolonged service99354, 99355, 99356, 99357
Cardiac Care: Cardiac rehab93797, 93798, G0422, G0423
Cardiac Care: In-person ventricular assist device interrogation93750
Stroke and Rehabilitation Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Physical Therapy Services97161, 97162, 97163, 97164, 97110, 97112, 97116, 97150, 97530, 97535, 97542, 97750, 97755, 97760, 97761, G2061, G2062, G2063
Occupation Therapy Services97165, 97166, 97167, 97168
Speech Therapy92507, 92508, 92521, 92522, 92523, 92524, 92526
Aphasia Assessment96105
Cancer Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443
Cancer care: Radiation oncology treatment management77427
Dementia Care: Phone evaluation and management99441, 99442, 99443, G0438, G0439
Dementia Care: Cognitive assessment and care plan services99483

*Remains available until December 31, 2023

**Will expire at some point after the COVID-19 public health emergency is declared over

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