Calendar Year (CY) 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Released

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has finalized changes in CMS’s annual Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule to significantly expand access to behavioral health services and moves the health system closer to achieving equitable outcomes through high quality, affordable, person-centered care. These changes will ensure CMS continues to deliver on our goals of advancing health equity, driving accountable care, and protecting the sustainability of the Medicare program.

Building on the CMS Innovation Center’s successful ACO Investment Model (AIM), CMS is changing the Medicare Shared Savings Program to make more Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) available in rural and underserved areas, which builds upon our continuing efforts to advance health equity. We are launching a payment adjustment for ACOs that reward them when they provide excellent care to underserved populations.

The Innovation Center also sought comment on an alternative approach to calculating ACO historical benchmarks that would use administratively set benchmarks that are decoupled from ongoing observed FFS spending including the design of the approach, as described in the Request for Information (RFI). CMS has observed that the benchmarking methodology for the Shared Savings Program and Innovation Center models may include ratchet effects that reduce benchmarks for successful ACOs and jeopardize their continued participation over multiple agreement periods, resulting in selective participation (including limited participation by inefficient ACOs). The RFI gathered information regarding the future use of administrative benchmarking, and comments will be considered for future rulemaking.

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