CMS finalizes home health payment rule for 2021: 4 takeaways

CMS finalized 2021 payment updates for home health agencies Oct. 29.

Four takeaways on the changes, which are effective Jan. 1:

1. CMS will increase payments to home health agencies by about 1.9 percent, or $390 million, for 2021.

2. CMS also finalized home infusion therapy rates for 2021. The rates will result in a 0.7 percent decrease in payments to home infusion therapy suppliers, or $384,800.

3. The rule finalizes a 5 percent cap on wage decreases in 2021. 

4. Under the rule, home health agencies can provide telehealth visits to Medicare beneficiaries as long as remote patient monitoring and other telecommunication services are included in the plan of care. Providers will need to document in patients’ medical records how telehealth services will help treatment outcomes.

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