CMS on March 20 released two digital toolkits on telehealth complete with resources specific to general practitioners as well as providers treating patients with end-stage renal disease.
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the U.S., the Trump administration has implemented several initiatives to increase telehealth services to avoid the spread of the disease. In addition to expanding telehealth capabilities for Medicare beneficiaries, the president also allowed HHS to waive federal licensing regulations so out-of-state physicians can treat patients through telehealth in states with large outbreaks.
Three things to know about the digital toolkits:
1. Each toolkit comprises electronic links to telehealth resources to reduce the amount of time providers spend looking for answers on new regulations.
2. Information in the toolkits is structured to help providers learn more about the general concept of virtual care, choose telehealth vendors, initiate a program and develop documentation tools.
3. The toolkits also offer outlines of temporary telehealth services that could be implemented to treat patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click here to access CMS’ telehealth toolkit for general practitioners.
Click here to access CMS’ telehealth toolkit for end-stage renal disease providers.