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- (a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section—
- (1) the term ‘‘appropriate congressional com-
- mittees’’ means—
- (A) the Committee on Commerce, Science,
- and Transportation of the Senate; and
- (B) the Committee on Energy and Com-
- merce of the House of Representatives;
- (2) the term ‘‘Commission’’ means the Federal
- Communications Commission; and
- (3) the term ‘‘COVID–19 Telehealth Program’’
- or ‘‘Program’’ means the COVID–19 Telehealth
- Program established by the Commission under the
- authority provided under the heading ‘‘SALARIES
- AND EXPENSES’’ under the heading ‘‘FEDERAL
- ‘‘INDEPENDENT AGENCIES’’ in title V of divi-
- sion B of the CARES Act (Public Law 116–136;
23 134 Stat. 531).
- in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, there is ap-
- propriated $249,950,000 in additional funds for the
- COVID–19 Telehealth Program, of which $50,000 shall
- be transferred by the Commission to the Inspector General
- of the Commission for oversight of the COVID–19 Tele-
- health Program.
- (A) PUBLIC NOTICE.—Not later than 10
- days after the date of enactment of this Act,
- the Commission shall issue a Public Notice es-
- tablishing a 10-day period during which the
- Commission will seek comments on—
- (i) the metrics the Commission should
- use to evaluate applications for funding
- under this section; and
- (ii) how the Commission should treat
- applications filed during the funding
- rounds for awards from the COVID-19
- Telehealth Program using amounts appro-
- priated under the CARES Act (Public Law
21 116–36; 134 Stat. 281).
- end of the comment period under subparagraph
- (A), and not later than 15 days before the
- Commission first commits funds under this sec-
- tion, the Commission shall provide notice to the
- appropriate congressional committees of the
- metrics the Commission plans to use to evaluate
- applications for those funds.
- feasible, the Commission shall ensure, in providing
- assistance under the COVID–19 Telehealth Program
- from amounts made available under subsection (b),
- that not less than 1 applicant in each of the 50
- States and the District of Columbia has received
- funding from the Program since the inception of the
- Program, unless there is no such applicant eligible
- for such assistance in a State or in the District of
- Columbia, as the case may be.
- (3) PREVIOUS APPLICANTS.—The Commission
- shall allow an applicant who filed an application dur-
- ing the funding rounds for awards from the
- COVID–19 Telehealth Program using amounts ap-
- propriated under the CARES Act (Public Law 116-
- 36; 134 Stat. 281) the opportunity to update or
- amend that application as necessary.
- (4) INFORMATION.—To the extent feasible, the
- Commission shall provide each applicant for funding
- from the COVID–19 Telehealth Program, if re-
- quested, with—
- (A) information on the status of the appli-
- cation; and
- (B) a rationale for the final funding deci-
- sion for the application, after making that deci-
- sion.
- (5) DENIAL.—If the Commission chooses to
- deny an application for funding from the COVID–
- 19 Telehealth Program, the Commission shall—
- (A) issue notice to the applicant of the in-
- tent of the Commission to deny the application
- and the grounds for that decision;
- (B) provide the applicant with 10 days to
- submit any supplementary information that the
- applicant determines relevant; and
- (C) consider any supplementary informa-
- tion submitted under subparagraph (B) in mak-
- ing any final decision with respect to the appli-
- cation.
- (d) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 90 days
- after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 30 days
- thereafter until all funds made available under this section
- have been expended, the Commission shall submit to the
- appropriate congressional committees a report on the dis-
- tribution of funds appropriated for the COVID–19 Tele-
- health Program under the CARES Act (Public Law 116–
- 36; 134 Stat. 281) or under this section, which shall in-
- clude—
- (1) non-identifiable and aggregated data on de-
- ficient and rejected applications;
- (2) non-identifiable and aggregated data on ap-
- plications for which no award determination was
- made;
- (3) information on the total number of appli-
- cants;
- (4) information on the total dollar amount of
- requests for awards made under this section; and
- (5) information on applicant outreach and tech-
- nical assistance.
- A collection of information conducted or sponsored under
- any regulations required to implement this section shall
- not constitute a collection of information for the purposes
- of subchapter I of chapter 35 of title 44, United States
- Code (commonly referred to as the ‘‘Paperwork Reduction
20 Act’’).