How can tracking biomarkers help you improve or maintain sleep and mental health?

Sleep and Mental Health

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining and promoting optimal mental health. As humans, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, and this seemingly passive state has profound effects on our cognitive, emotional, and psychological well-being. In recent years, research has increasingly highlighted the intricate relationship between sleep and mental health, emphasizing the significance of a good night’s rest in promoting overall emotional resilience, psychological stability, and overall well-being.

The Connection Between Mental and Physical Health

Mental and physical health are closely intertwined. Poor mental health can negatively impact physical well-being while maintaining good physical health can positively influence mental well-being. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression can contribute to physical health issues, while a healthy lifestyle and food choices can improve mood and mental well-being. Recognizing this interconnection is vital for overall health and happiness.

Sleep and Mental Health Today

Only 1 in 3 Americans get enough sleep. In our current day, the importance of sleep in maintaining optimal mental health has gained increasing recognition. The fastpaced, technology-driven society we live in often promotes a 24/7 culture, leading to disrupted sleep patterns, insufficient rest, and chronic sleep deprivation. Understanding when and why our patterns are affected, and with it, our mental health, is critical to solving this problem.


Which biomarkers are closely connected to sleep and mental health?

High Sensitivity CRP

Studies have found that higher hs-CRP levels are associated with insomnia and a general lack of sleep.[2] It can also be linked to oversleeping.[3] If your hs-CRP levels are high, it could be an answer for over/under sleeping.


Higher cortisol levels have been thoroughly linked to sleep deprivation and lack of sleep quality.[4] It is the hormone in your body that regulates stress levels, so understanding your levels is critical in analyzing the stress in your life. Cortisol is extremely important to measuring sleep quality and mental health and is easily measured from a SiPhox Kit.


TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, has been found to be linked to mood swings and heightened risk of depression.[5] Lower levels are more indicative of depressive risk and mood swings.

Testosterone and Estrogen

Levels of testosterone in men and estrogen in women are indicative of mood swings and irritability, both of which play a central role in mental health. In men, low testosterone levels have been linked to low energy, risk of depression, and lack of sleep. Meanwhile, higher levels are indicative of irritability.[6] In women, estrogen regulates mood and stress, so lower levels have been linked to mood swings and other issues.[7]



Why choose Dr. Miltie, Powered by SiPhox?

The lowest cost per biomarker testing, at-home sample collection,
interactive reports, and actionable insights.

At-Home Testing

No more driving to clinics. No more waiting in lines. The sample collection kit lets you collect your sample using only a few drops of blood.

Extremely Affordable

Blood testing is expensive. But it shouldn’t be. Meet Dr. Miltie, the lowest-cost per-biomarker test on the market.

Measure Progress

Users tell us that regular testing is key to reaching their goals. Whether you want to lose weight or have more energy—we have your back!

Actionable Insights

Personalized insights sets you up for success. Paired with your favorite wearables, our system creates insights to improve each biomarker.


17 Included Biomarkers

Our at-home test kit contains the biomarkers you need to provide you with the best overall snapshot of your health.


Cardiovascular Health

Hormonal & Nutritional Balance



Metabolic Fitness

TG:HDL Ratio

Vitamin D


Total Cholesterol

TC:HDL Ratio

Testosterone:Cortisol ♂

Testosterone ♂









Estradiol ♀








Is a few drops of blood really enough?

That’s right! A few drops of blood is all we need to test 17 biomarkers. Sounds too good to be true? Far from it…

Our sample collection card, the ADX1001, is an alternative collection method, similar to an SST tube. Red blood cells are separated without a centrifuge, enabling the laboratory to perform tests on dry blood.

Are results accurate? Yes! We process samples in a 3rd party CLIA-certified lab. The test results have been cross-validated against standard finger prick and venous draws.


Can I really collect my own sample?

Each kit contains a sample collection card, three adjustable lancets, band-aids, sterile gauze, an alcohol pad, and instructions.

Drawing your blood sounds scary at first. Especially if it’s your first time doing it. We’ve taken the time to make the instructions as easy to follow as possible.

Not only that, every customer can schedule a live one-on-one session with our certified phlebotomist for FREE (a person trained in collecting blood samples).


Ok, my results are in. What now?

This is the best part! After processing your sample, we create a complete report for each of your 17 biomarkers.

You can then access your reports from your personal reports dashboard. Each report comes with an easy-to-understand graph and personalized insights you can use to improve each biomarker.

The dashboard lets you connect your favorite wearables to make your reports even more insightful. Improved sleep and activity scores are highly correlated with improved hormonal balance and lower inflammation in our user base.


Include Your Wearable

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not found below, feel free to email us your question at:

Is the SiPhox Health blood test kit equivalent to standard labs?

How are you able to offer the lowest cost per biomarker in the industry?

Which biomarkers are being tested?

Why should I use a wearable with SiPhox Health?

What wearable devices are compatible with SiPhox Health?

How do I view my test results?

What makes SiPhox Health Reports unique?

Can I give my kit away as a gift?

I’m having trouble collecting enough blood for the test, what can I do?

I think I messed up my collection card. What do I do?

What is the Hormone+ Panel?









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