The 146 telehealth services Medicare is covering during the pandemic

CMS since March has expanded the number of services Medicare will cover when provided via telehealth to help support access to healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Here are the 146 additional services, and their respective codes, that CMS will cover when provided via telehealth through the duration of the public health emergency: 

1. 77427: radiation management

2. 90853: group psychotherapy

3. 90875: psychophysiological therapy 

4. 90952: end stage renal disease, two to three visits per month, ages 2 and younger

5. 90953: end stage renal disease, one visit per month, ages 2 and younger

6. 90956: end stage renal disease, one visit per month, ages 2-11 

7. 90959: end stage renal disease, one visit per month, ages 12-19

8. 90962: end stage renal disease, one visit per month, ages 20 and older

9. 92002: eye exam new patient 

10. 92004: eye exam new patient 

11. 92012: eye exam establish patient 

12. 92014: eye exam established patient, one visit 

13. 92507: speech/hearing therapy

14. 92508: speech/hearing therapy 

15. 92521: evaluation of speech fluency

16. 92522: evaluation speech production

17. 92523: speech sound language comprehension

18. 92524: behavioral quality voice analysis

19. 92601: cochlear implant follow-up exam, ages 7 and younger 

20. 92602: re-program cochlear implant follow-up exam, ages 7 and younger 

21. 92603: cochlear implant follow-up exam, ages 7 and older 

22. 92604: re-program cochlear implant, ages 7 and older 

23. 93797: cardiac rehab

24. 93798: cardiac rehab/monitor

25. 93750: in-person ventricular assist device interrogation 

26. 94002: ventilator management inpatient initial day

27. 94003: ventilator management inpatient subsequent day 

28. 94004: ventilator management per day 

29. 94005: home ventilator management supervision 

30. 94644: evaluate patient use of inhaler 

31. 95970: electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse without programming

32: 95971: electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter with programming

33. 95972: electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter

34. 95983: electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, by physician or other qualified healthcare professional; with brain neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter programming; first 15 minutes face-to-face with physician or other qualified healthcare professional

35. 95984: electronic analysis of implanted neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter, by physician or other qualified healthcare professional; with brain neurostimulator pulse generator/transmitter programming; each additional 15 minutes face-to-face with physician or other qualified healthcare professional

36. 96110: developmental screen with score 

37. 96112: developmental test physical, first hour 

38. 96113: developmental test physical, each additional hour 

39. 96116: psychological and neurological testing, first hour 

40. 96127: brief emotional/behavioral assessment 

41. 96130: psychological test evaluation phys/qhp 1st

42. 96131: psychological test evaluation phys/qhp ea

43. 96132: neuropsychological testing evaluation phys/qhp 1st

44. 96133: neuropsychological testing evaluation phys/qhp ea

45. 96136: psychological and neurological testing phy/qhp 1s

46. 96137: psychological and neurological testing phy/qhp ea

47. 96138: psychological and neurological tech phy/qhp ea

48. 96139: psychological and neurological testing tech ea

49. 96158: behavioral health intervention individual, first 30 minutes 

50. 96170: behavioral health intervention with family and patient 

51. 96171: behavioral health intervention with family and without patient 

52. 97110: therapeutic exercises

53. 97112: neuromuscular re-education

54. 97116: gait training therapy

55. 97150: group therapeutic procedures 

56. 97151: applied behavioral analysis by physician or other qualified professional 

57. 97152: applied behavioral support by one technician 

58. 97153: adaptive behavior treatment administered by technician 

59. 97154: group adaptive behavior treatment administered by technician 

60. 97155: adaptive behavior treatment administered by a physician or qualified professional 

61. 97156: family adaptive behavior treatment administered by a physician or qualified professional 

62. 97157: multiple family adaptive behavior treatment 

63. 97158: group adaptive behavior treatment administered by a physician or qualified professional 

64. 97161: physical therapy evaluation low complexity, 20 min

65. 97162: physical therapy evaluation moderate complexity, 30 min

66. 97163: physical therapy evaluation high complexity, 45 min

67. 97164: physical therapy re-evaluation establish plan care

68. 97165: occupational therapy evaluation low complexity, 30 min

69. 97166: occupational therapy evaluation moderate complexity, 45 min

70. 97167: occupational therapy evaluation high complexity, 60 min

71. 97168: occupational therapy re-evaluation establish plan care

72. 97530: therapeutic activities 

73. 97535: self care management training

74. 97542: wheelchair management training 

75. 97750: physical performance test

76. 97755: assistive technology assessment

77. 97760: orthotic management and training 1st encounter

78. 97761: prosthetic training 1st encounter

79. 99217: observation care discharge

80. 99218: initial observation care

81. 99219: initial observation care

82. 99220: initial observation care

83. 99221: initial hospital care

84. 99222: initial hospital care

85. 99223: initial hospital care

86. 99224: subsequent observation care 

87. 99225: subsequent observation care 

88. 99226: subsequent observation care 

89. 99234: observation/hospital same date

90. 99235: observation/hospital same date

91. 99236: observation/hospital same date

92. 99238: hospital discharge day

93. 99239: hospital discharge day

94. 99281: emergency department visit

95. 99282: emergency department visit

96. 99283: emergency department visit

97. 99284: emergency department visit

98. 99285: emergency department visit

99. 99291: critical care first hour

100. 99292: critical care additional 30 mins

101. 99304: nursing facility care initial

102. 99305: nursing facility care initial

103. 99306: nursing facility care initial

104. 99315: nursing facility discharge day

105. 99316: nursing facility discharge day

106. 99324: domiciliary or rest home visit new patient

107. 99325: domiciliary or rest home visit new patient

108. 99326: domiciliary or rest home visit new patient

109. 99327: domiciliary or rest home visit new patient

110. 99328: domiciliary or rest home visit new patient

111. 99334: domiciliary or rest home visit established patient

112. 99335: domiciliary or rest home visit established patient

113. 99336: domiciliary or rest home visit established patient

114. 99337: domiciliary or rest home visit established patient

115. 99341: home visit new patient

116. 99342: home visit new patient

117. 99343: home visit new patient

118. 99344: home visit new patient

119. 99345: home visit new patient

120. 99347: home visit established patient

121. 99348: home visit established patient

122. 99349: home visit established patient

123. 99350: home visit established patient

124. 99441: five to 10 minute phone visit with physician or qualified professional 

125. 99442: 11-20 minute phone visit with physician or qualified professional 

126. 99443: 21-30 minute phone visit with physician or qualified professional 

127. 99468: neonatal critical care initial

128. 99469: neonatal critical care subsequent

129. 99471: pediatric critical care initial

130. 99472: pediatric critical care subsequent

131. 99473: self measurement of blood pressure at home education/training

132. 99475: pediatric critical care ages 2-5 initial

133. 99476: pediatric critical care ages 2-5 subsequent

134. 99477: initial day of hospital care for neonatal care

135. 99478: ic low-birthweight infant < 1500 gm subsequent

136. 99479: ic low-birthweight infant < 1500-2500 g subsequent

137. 99480: ic infant pbw 2501-5000 g subsequent

138. 99483: assessment and care plan cognitive impairment

139: 0373T: adaptive behavior treatment, 15 minutes 

140: S9152: speech therapy, re-evaluation 

141: 0362T: behavioral identification support assessment, each 15 minutes 

142. G0410: group psychotherapy partial hospital

143. G0422: Intensive cardiac rehab with exercise

144. G0423: Intensive cardiac rehab, no exercise

145. G0424: Pulmonary rehab with exercise

146. G9685: acute nursing facility care

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