
Remote Health and Patient Monitoring

Benefits of Dr. Miltie™ RPM

What Remote Patient Monitoring Has Provided


Reduction in 30-Day COPD Readmissions.


Reduction in bed days, admissions and costs.


Decrease in Emergency Department use by CHF, COPD and Diabetic patients.

How it Works


Senior in nursing home

As a senior in a nursing home, I felt so isolated when I missed seeing my grandson on his birthday during the lockdown.

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Clinician track patient recovery and care plansClinician track patient recovery and care plans

As a clinician, I need to be able to track my patients’ recovery and care plans when they leave the hospital for home. I don’t want to see them readmitted.

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Hospital Patient communicating with familyHospital Patient communicating with family

As a patient, I felt alone in the ICU and alone in the recovery ward. I wanted to talk to my family and understand my journey.

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healthcare administrator patient coordinationhealthcare administrator patient coordination

As a healthcare administrator, I need to equip my staff to reach out to underserved populations that require healthcare coordination.

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The Ideal Solution for Clinicians and Patients

Our industry-leading professional services provide seamless data integration of real-time patient data with enhanced analytics that assist in a more comprehensive approach to more effectively and efficiently manage patients while in the community.

Request a Demo of the FREE aTouchAway Telehealth/Telemedicine/Video Visit/Virtual Exam Platform for your Healthcare organization: