COVID-19 – Coronavirus

As Coronavirus Concerns Grow, Skilled Nursing Facilities Find Relief in Telehealth — But Gaps Remain
With concerns around staffing and supply shortages in nursing homes amid the coronavirus, telemedicine has emerged as a key potential weapon, receiving the first-ever major green light for reimbursement on the national level — as part of an $8.3 billion bill allowing the federal government to cover remote care for Medicare recipients passed last Wednesday. But the […]

Coronavirus Appropriations Act Eases Restrictions on Medicare Telehealth Reimbursement during Emergency
One of the major hurdles to the expansion of telehealth has been the Medicare “originating site” requirement. This requirement limits Medicare telehealth reimbursement to services delivered in a physician’s office or healthcare facility in a rural area, but not in a home or non-rural area. In a shift, the “Telehealth Services During Certain Emergency Periods […]

CMS Releases Fact Sheets On COVID-19 Medicare Coverage, Billing Guidelines
Monday, March 9, 2020 The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released several fact sheets on COVID-19 coverage and benefits, and announced a second Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code, U0002, for billing COVID-19 diagnostic tests. Medicare will accept claims with U0001 and U0002 starting on April 1, 2020, for dates of service […]

Tele-Tuesday: Congress’s Coronavirus Bill Includes Major Telehealth Changes
As part of emergency funding to combat the threat of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), last week Congress waived many of the telehealth restrictions for Medicare services in certain situations. This monumental change could—depending on how it is implemented—radically alter how telehealth is performed in connection with the government’s most ubiquitous healthcare program. In a […]

CMS Announces Actions to Address Spread of Coronavirus
Mar 04, 2020 Hospices Hospitals Nursing facilities Safety CMS Announces Actions to Address Spread of CoronavirusCMS calls on all health care providers to activate infection control practices and issues guidance to inspectors as they inspect facilities affected by Coronavirus Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing several actions aimed at limiting […]

Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by Hospice Agencies
TitleGuidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by Hospice AgenciesMemo #QSO-20-16-HospicePosting Date2020-03-09Fiscal Year2020SummaryCMS is committed to protecting American patients by ensuring health care facilities have up-to-date information to adequately respond to COVID-19 concerns. • Coordination with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and local public health departments – We […]