Nonagon About

Now you can do all of that from home!

With a user-friendly device that syncs with your smartphone

The Dr. Miltie and Nonagon Story

Healthcare is evolving and, today, with shifting priorities and system challenges, telehealth is an essential solution. However, for this technology to be truly successful, improved system integration and accurate patient data collection are more critical than ever. Patients want to engage their physicians with comfort and ease from their own homes and physicians want to provide accurate and convenient care.

From this need, Nonagon was born and a relationship with Dr. Miltie began.

Seamlessly integrated at the front and back end of delivery, Nonagon and Dr. Miltie offer a cost-effective, smartphone-compatible device to capture clinically relevant patient data, sent directly to a physician. With Nonagon and Dr. Miltie, physicians can provide an accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment plan to their remote patients — reducing the need for in-clinic visits.

Nonagon and Dr. Miltie offer a user-friendly experience, clinically-relevant data collection, and system architecture that integrates with any proprietary system. This is why, with Nonagon and Dr. Miltie, care is always at hand.

 Nonagon, formerly known as MyHomeDoc, is a fast-growing medical start-up. Founded in 2016 and graduated Sanara Ventures, a joint Investment Platform of Teva pharmaceuticals and Philips healthcare, The Nonagon company has offices in Israel (HQ) and the United States.