Federal Agencies

Guidance for Infection Control and Prevention Concerning Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Home Health Agencies (HHAs)
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard, Mail Stop C2-21-16 Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850 Center for Clinical Standards and Quality/Quality, Safety & Oversight Group Ref: QSO-20-18-HHA DATE: March 10, 2020 TO: State Survey Agency Directors FROM: Director Quality, Safety & Oversight Group SUBJECT: Guidance for Infection Control and […]

Coronavirus Scare Likely to Boost Telehealth Adoption Among Home-Based Care Providers
On Thursday, the Senate approved a bill that will provide $8.3 billion in emergency funds to help mitigate the effects of COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus. Apart from funding, the bill made major changes to telehealth statutes, possibly allowing home-based care providers to both rely heavier on telehealth tools and be properly reimbursed for […]

COVID-19 Update: Reimbursement issues – Who is picking up the tab for coronavirus testing?
Insurance coverageIn a statement on March 6, 2020, the Board of Directors for America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) announced that insurers are voluntarily covering the diagnostic testing of COVID-19 (coronavirus) when ordered by a physician. AHIP said that health insurers are taking action to ease network referral and prior authorization requirements and/or waiving patient cost-sharing. Additionally, AHIP […]

Telehealth Shaping Up for COVID-19
Cardiology illustrates what specialties can do to be ready As COVID-19 coronavirus encroaches into communities across the U.S., cardiology’s use of telemedicine could set a precedent for what specialties can do with the technology to both protect coronavirus-vulnerable patients and manage comorbidity that arises. “Self-quarantine and social distancing are important tools in managing disease transmission, […]

WASHINGTON (AP) — The coronavirus legislation signed by President Donald Trump on Friday lets Medicare expand the use of telemedicine in outbreak areas, potentially reducing infection risks for vulnerable seniors. Coverage of telemedicine is now limited primarily to residents of rural areas facing long road trips for treatment from specialists. The law allows the government […]

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is rolling out a new telehealth-enabled payment model for 911 triage
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has selected more than 200 emergency transport providers to participate in its Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport (ET3) model — a new payment model that leverages mHealth and telehealth to reimburse Medicare-enrolled ambulance providers that triage 911 calls, according to mHealthIntelligence. The CMS’ new model aims to reduce the […]

CMS Loosens Restrictions on Telehealth for Certain Shared-Risk ACOs
In a rule announced last month, CMS is giving certain ACOs at risk of owing money back to Medicare because they haven’t hit spending targets more freedom to use telehealth, including services delivered to the beneficiary’s home. By Eric Wicklund February 11, 2020 – Accountable Care Organizations who are at risk of owing money back to Medicare because […]

CMS to Add MA Telehealth Coverage for Kidney Disease, Specialty Care
In a proposed rule issued this week, CMS is boosting telehealth coverage in Medicare Advantage plans for members with end-stage renal disease and giving MA members more telehealth coverage for specialist care. By Eric Wicklund February 07, 2020 – CMS is proposing giving patients with end-stage renal disease in Medicare Advantage plan access to more telehealth benefits, allowing […]

Payment Outlook: 60% of MA Plans Cover Telehealth, 95% of Post-Acute Providers Subject to Alternate Models
By Alex Spanko | January 26, 2020 The new fee-for-service Medicare model absorbed much of the oxygen around nursing home payment reform in 2019, but 2020 — as well as the years beyond — will bring a slew of alternate payment pressure to the post-acute sector. Over the next two years alone, 95% of post-acute operators will find […]

Here’s what providers need to know as RPM is poised for take-off with new CMS rules
With the new CMS rules going into effect in 2020, providers have more opportunity than ever before to seize these benefits by collecting critical patient information while streamlining talent and spatial resources. By Christopher McCann This past fall, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final rules on Chronic Care Remote Physiologic […]

2020 Vision – Better Connectivity is Helping Health Care – aTouchAway Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) Platform Experiencing Exponential Growth
A patient’s ‘circle of care’ can include relatives, friends, a spiritual adviser or the pharmacist, not just doctors, nurses, or telehealth clinicians. Technology is helping bring them all together. BRIGITTE PELLERINJanuary 3, 2020 A fresh decade means fresh ideas. Brigitte Pellerin talks to some of the local people who are innovating – some in small […]

Remote Patient Monitoring, Reimbursement Topped Headlines in 2019
Top mHealth trends in 2019 included remote patient monitoring, telehealth reimbursement, substance use disorder care, chronic disease management, and direct-to-consumer mHealth technology. By Samantha McGrail As 2019 comes to an end, healthcare organizations are reflecting on the trends and stories that most influenced their behaviors in the past year. Based on our most clicked stories […]

The Chronic Care Management (CCM) – Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) – Reimbursement Guide – Coverage Year 2020
CMS has released its final rule for the 2020 Physician’s Fee Schedule. We have previously covered how one can set up a chronic care management program in 5 steps. We have also covered the available CPT codes that can be used to bill for chronic care management, which also includes remote patient monitoring. If you want […]

Gingrich & DeSantis: A health care revolution is coming – It could give you 24/7 access to a doctor
In Washington’s increasingly toxic atmosphere – filled with impeachment hearings, the jostling of the Democratic primary, and an obsession with trivial gaffes and scandal over substance – it can be hard to notice when members of both parties collaborate to try and achieve something positive. Fortunately, it does still happen. One example is a bipartisan […]