Health Care Organization

Hospices Brace for Year 4 of COVID PHE, Await Word of Telehealth’s Future
A fourth year into the pandemic, its effects have hospices continuing to combat against financial and operational headwinds, as well as uncertainty about the future of telehealth rules. The COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) is likely to endure past another extension. Currently set to expire Jan. 11, 2023, the U.S. Department of Health & Human […]

That glucose monitor just allowed hackers into your practice
A survey of healthcare IT professionals by Capterra revealed that 67% of health care cyberattacks impact patient data and nearly half (48%) impact patient care. The survey also found that the medical internet of things (IoT) – connected devices like glucose monitors, insulin pumps, and defibrillators – are making it easier for hackers to gain access to practices. These devices often […]

Telehealth Availability at FQHCs Linked to Engagement in Mental Healthcare
A study published in JAMA Network Open found that despite an overall decline in visit rates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, high telehealth availability led to better care engagement among Medicaid beneficiaries with mental health conditions treated within federally qualified health centers (FQHCs). Various studies have shown telehealth has expanded and improved care for mental health patients and those […]

Nursing home docs, therapists hit with CMS pay cut
Healthcare providers, including doctors and therapists who treat nursing home patients, will see a key payment factor cut by 4.4% next year. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the change to the Medicare Physician Pay Schedule conversion factor in a broader physician payment rule published late Tuesday. The conversion factor is part of a […]

OIG Recommends Home Health Agencies Evaluate Telehealth Activity
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) found that despite the positive impact of telehealth flexibilities on home health agencies (HHAs), there is a need for further review of the services they provide and the patients it benefits most. As COVID-19 cases grew, so did restrictions on in-person healthcare. This […]

OIG urges CMS to evaluate home health use of telehealth
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services should evaluate how the use of telehealth affected the quality of home healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Office of Inspector General (OIG). The government watchdog issued the recommendation in a report to the Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday, Oct. 18. The OIG surveyed 400 […]

For healthcare providers treating some of the most underserved populations and communities, the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency is pretty bleak. Federal waivers expanding access to and coverage of telehealth will end with the PHE, forcing them to curtail or even end programs that had seen quite a bit of success over the […]

Access to internet and other telehealth resources
Telehealth is a natural fit to cover healthcare gaps in rural and frontier locations. But the nature of rural living often means difficulty accessing the tools and resources needed for a successful and sustainable telehealth practice. On this page: Internet access for rural telehealth patients and providers Equipment and technology access for rural telehealth Solutions […]

Preparing rural patients for telehealth
Preparation is critical for patients who are new to receiving care through telehealth. Rural patients often have high levels of healthcare needs, but see healthcare providers less than their urban counterparts. In short, the people who need healthcare the most aren’t always getting it. Telehealth can be that bridge for rural patients to get the […]

Billing for rural telehealth
Billing and reimbursement for rural and frontier telehealth services is, in many ways, no different than any other healthcare service. There are also some stark differences. On this page: Medicare and Medicaid billing reimbursement Medicare billing guidance Medicare and Medicaid billing reimbursement The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health focuses on rural […]

Developing a rural telehealth workflow and strategy
Save time and avoid frustration by planning your telehealth workflow in advance. On this page: Get to know your community Create a business plan Market and advertise your telehealth services Evaluate your telehealth program A successful and sustainable telehealth practice in a rural area needs careful planning from the early research through implementation. We can […]

Introduction to rural telehealth
Learn strategies for developing a rural telehealth program. Rural frontier living can be a haven for the 60 million Americans that live in a rural part of the United States. It often means less traffic congestion, less pollution, and more open spaces.fq Rural living may also mean less access to critical healthcare infrastructure and technology. […]

Get started with rural telehealth
Learn the basic requirements for treating rural communities virtually. There are several ways to approach rural telehealth care. You could be living and working in a rural or frontier area and launching a new telehealth program. Or you could be located in a more urban or suburban area and expanding your practice to include rural […]

Proposed CY 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Extends Telehealth Flexibilities Post-PHE
On July 7, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released its annual proposed rule updating the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) for calendar year (CY) 2023, which included various proposed changes related to the provision of telehealth, including implementing telehealth provisions included within the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, and extending coverage through the end of […]